all about being and living pretty

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Every Girl Is A Princess

"There is beauty in a woman whose confidence comes from experiences. A woman who knows she can fall, pick herself up, and move on." 
Today I woke up in a wonderful mood. I mean problems do make us sad but only because we are affected by it. But the truth is, there are a lot of reason to smile, there are more reason to be happy. YOU JUST HAVE TO BE POSITIVE AND ALWAYS FOCUS ON THE POSITIVE THINGS. Just like what Rihanna said "LIFE IS TOO SHORT TO BE SITTING AROUND MISERABLE." !!! and I realize that the only easy and effective way to be happy is to LET GO OF THE THINGS THAT MAKES YOU SAD. SIMPLE AS THAT. Girls, we are so precious. Each of us is a "princess" in the eyes of our own father and specially to GOD. Every girl deserves a prince charming. Someone who will be there for us, someone who will protect us, someone we can turn to, someone who will make us happy, someone who will love us unconditionally and someone who will make us feel as if you are the luckiest girl on earth. So girls, pls. do love yourself! Always stay pretty and always be a "LADY"! If you're really important to a guy or if you're really one of his priorities he will always make time for you. A guy who truly loves you will stay no matter how hard it is to be with you or no matter how hard the situation is. If they don't change or if they always abuse your kindness then he's not your prince. Don't waste your time waiting. Life is too short to wait and LIFE ISN'T ABOUT WAITING ITS ABOUT "WALKING FORWARD" Your own happiness starts with you. :)
"I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything."

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